Frequently Asked Questions

Enrollment for School Year 2024-2025 starts on May 2024

The first day of school for SY 2024-2025 will be on Monday, August 05, 2024.

Requirements for New Students:

  • PSA Birth Certificate
  • SF9 / Report Card
  • SF10 / Permanent Record
  • Good Moral Certificate

Requirements for Old Student

  • 4 pcs. of 2×2 ID Picture

Tuition fees for SY 2024-2025 varies depending on your child’s grade level.
We have an increase in tuition fees for SY 2024-2025 to support additional expenses incurred by the school.
In relation to our increase, we open a program “Sponsor A Child” to help children pay for their tuition fees.

School Fees for SY 2024-2024
  Misc. Fee Automation Fee Energy Fee Computer Fee Books Fee Tuition Fee Total
Preschool P4,500.00 P500.00 P1,350.00 - P4,500.00 P8,500.00 P19,350.00
Elementary P5,000.00 P500.00 P1,500.00 P1,000.00 P6,650.00 P9,000.00 P23,650.00
Grade 7 to Grade 10 (ESC) P5,500.00 P500.00 P1,500.00 P1,000.00 P6,850.00 P3,900.00 P19,250.00
Grade 7 to Grade 10 (Non-ESC) P5,500.00 P500.00 P1,500.00 P1,000.00 P6,850.00 P12,900.00 P28,250.00
Senior High School (Public) P2,000.00 P500.00 P1,000.00 - - - P12,000.00
Senior High School (Private) P6,500.00 P500.00 P1,500.00 - - P3,500.00 P12,000.00
Senior High School (No Voucher) P6,500.00 P500.00 P1,500.00 - - P18,500.00 P26,500.00

What is ESC?

ESC stands for “Education System Contracting”

Who will receive the ESC grant?

All grade 7,8,9, and 10 of ahonri Academy and Shience High School, and those transferred-in coming from ESC Schools.

How much is the ESC grant?

ESC grants P9,000.00.

Until when the child will enjoy the ESC grant?

Until grade 12 and the child mush maintain a passing grade, and never dr